Thursday, August 30, 2007

new precious baby niece

Shane's sister, Stephanie, and her husband Steve are proud new parents of a most beautiful baby girl, Emma Grace!! We have a new niece, and Andie and Wyatt are excited to have a new cousin! When I told Andie that Aunt Teppie's baby came out of her tummy and it was a baby girl Emma, she right away asked, "Can we go to Emma's house?" Andie has helped me pack a gift box of "favorite firsts" to send to Emma. An idea from my good friend Megan. :) And I got to make, what I think, is the cutest card ever!


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Beautiful!!! I'm suprised she had a girl. Your blog is awesome. I can't wait to read more.
PS The card is amazing!

steve, steph, emma and bree said...

well, she is just the most adorable thing i've ever seen- and i don't think i'm biased even if i am her mom! thanks for putting her up on the blog- she's famous already!

steve, steph, emma and bree said...

one more thing...the picture you have of andie and wyatt as your profile picture should seriously be submitted to some contest or something- it is an amazing photo. they always have those contests for cute kids or whatever- i say look into it!